20 Inspirational Words of Encouragement for Kids


Raising children is a journey filled with challenges and triumphs. As a parent and a coach who has worked extensively with families, I’ve learned the immense power words hold in shaping a child’s self-esteem, resilience, and outlook on life.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 inspirational words of encouragement for kids, each backed by personal insights and practical tips.

These words are not just phrases but tools to empower your child to navigate life’s ups and downs with confidence.

1. “Believe” – Instilling Self-Confidence

Believe in yourself. It’s a simple phrase, yet it holds the key to unlocking a child’s potential. I’ve seen firsthand how children who believe in their abilities are more willing to take on challenges and persevere through difficulties. Encourage your child to believe in their strengths and abilities, even when they face setbacks. This belief is the foundation of self-confidence.

How to Foster Belief:

  • Celebrate Efforts, Not Just Results: Focus on the effort your child puts into their activities, not just the outcome. This approach helps build a growth mindset.
  • Share Stories of Resilience: Discuss times when you or others faced challenges and overcame them. This can be especially powerful when dealing with grown children making difficult decisions.

2. “Try” – The Power of Effort

Diverse group of children engaged in creative play with paper and crayons at a table.

Just try. These two words can open a world of possibilities for a child. Encouraging your child to try new things, even if they might fail, teaches them the value of effort and learning. It’s about stepping out of the comfort zone and discovering one’s capabilities.

Encouraging Effort:

  • Model Trying New Things: Let your child see you trying new activities or skills. Your example is a powerful motivator.

3. “Listen” – The Art of Communication

Teacher reading to attentive children sitting on steps in a colorful, modern classroom.

Listen to others. Effective communication is a two-way street. Teaching children to listen actively to others’ perspectives is crucial in developing empathy and understanding. This skill is particularly important in family dynamics, where different parenting styles, like uninvolved parenting or permissive parenting, can impact a child’s development.

Developing Listening Skills:

  • Practice Active Listening: Show your child how to listen attentively, ask questions, and reflect on what the other person is saying.
  • Create a Listening Environment: Ensure that your home is a place where everyone feels heard and respected.

4. “Respect” – Building Mutual Understanding

Respect others and yourself. Respect is a cornerstone of healthy relationships and self-esteem. It’s about recognizing the value in ourselves and others. Teaching children to respect themselves and those around them lays the groundwork for positive interactions and self-respect.

Cultivating Respect:

  • Lead by Example: Demonstrate respect in your interactions with others and discuss the importance of respecting diverse viewpoints.
  • Encourage Self-Respect: Help your child understand their worth and the importance of setting boundaries in relationships.

5. “Love” – The Foundation of Emotional Well-being

Mother holding her young child, both smiling at each other in a sunny park.

Love unconditionally. Love is the bedrock of emotional security for children. It’s not just about expressing affection; it’s about showing unconditional support and understanding. This becomes especially important when children navigate complex emotions, like feeling upset when parents show affection.

Expressing Love:

  • Show Affection Regularly: Hugs, kind words, and spending quality time together are simple yet powerful expressions of love.
  • Be Present: Be emotionally available for your child, especially during challenging times.

Nurturing Growth and Positivity in Children

Phrases that can significantly impact their growth and mindset. These words are not just phrases but powerful tools for nurturing positivity, resilience, and empathy in children.

6. “Persevere” – Cultivating Resilience

Keep going, no matter what. Perseverance is a vital trait for overcoming life’s hurdles. Teaching kids to persevere, to keep trying even when things get tough, instills resilience. This lesson is particularly crucial when children face academic, social, or personal challenges.

Encouraging Perseverance:

  • Share Stories of Perseverance: Talk about times when you or others faced challenges and didn’t give up. This can be especially relevant when discussing how to parent grown children who are navigating their own challenges.
  • Set Manageable Goals: Help your child set realistic goals and break them down into smaller, achievable steps.

7. “Imagine” – Encouraging Creativity

Young girl with puzzles looks at her mother, who assists her, at a bright home table.

Let your imagination soar. Creativity is not just about art; it’s a way of thinking that encourages innovation and problem-solving. Encouraging children to use their imagination fosters creative thinking and helps them see the world from different perspectives.

Fostering Creativity:

  • Provide Creative Outlets: Offer various materials and opportunities for creative expression, whether in art, writing, or play.
  • Encourage Curiosity: Ask open-ended questions that prompt your child to think creatively and explore different possibilities.

8. “Learn” – The Joy of Discovery

Never stop learning. Instilling a love for learning in children goes beyond academic success. It’s about nurturing curiosity and the joy of discovering new things. This approach to learning helps children become lifelong learners, always eager to expand their knowledge and skills.

Promoting Lifelong Learning:

  • Explore Interests Together: Engage in activities that align with your child’s interests. This shared experience can be a powerful motivator for learning.
  • Celebrate Learning: Recognize and celebrate new skills and knowledge, showing that learning is a journey, not just a destination.

9. “Help” – Fostering Empathy and Cooperation

Lend a hand to others. Teaching children the importance of helping others cultivates empathy and a sense of community. Whether it’s helping a family member, or a friend, or participating in community service, these experiences enrich a child’s emotional and social development.

Encouraging Helping Behavior:

  • Volunteer Together: Participate in community service activities as a family. This not only helps others but also shows children the impact of their actions.
  • Recognize Kind Acts: Acknowledge and praise your child when they help others, reinforcing the value of kindness and cooperation.

10. “Dream” – Inspiring Ambition

Follow your dreams. Encouraging children to dream big and pursue their passions gives them a sense of purpose and direction. It’s about supporting their aspirations and helping them understand that with hard work and dedication, they can achieve their goals.

Supporting Dreams:

  • Discuss Future Goals: Have conversations about your child’s hopes and dreams. Offer support and guidance on how they can work towards achieving them.
  • Provide Resources and Opportunities: Help your child access the resources and opportunities they need to pursue their interests and dreams.

Empowering Children Through Positive Reinforcement

As we continue our journey through the power of encouraging words, it’s essential to remember that the right words at the right time can significantly impact a child’s development. In this section, we delve into additional concepts and phrases that can empower children, helping them to build a strong sense of self and a positive outlook on life.

11. “You Can Do It” – Building Self-Efficacy

You have the power to succeed. This phrase is a cornerstone in building a child’s belief in their capabilities. When children hear that they can achieve their goals, it boosts their confidence and motivates them to try harder.

Enhancing Self-Efficacy:

  • Celebrate Small Victories: Acknowledge even the smallest achievements. This recognition reinforces their belief in their abilities.
  • Provide Supportive Feedback: Constructive feedback helps children understand how they can improve, reinforcing their belief that they can do better next time.

12. “Be Brave” – Encouraging Courage

Face your fears with courage. Courage isn’t about not being afraid; it’s about facing fears and overcoming obstacles. Encouraging children to be brave helps them step out of their comfort zones and tackle new challenges.

Cultivating Courage:

  • Share Personal Stories: Talk about times when you had to be brave and how it helped you grow.
  • Create a Safe Environment: Let children know it’s okay to be scared and that you’re there to support them, fostering a sense of security that enables bravery.

13. “Think Positive” – Fostering Optimism

Look on the bright side. Teaching children to adopt a positive mindset can significantly impact how they perceive and react to situations. Optimism is a skill that can be developed and is crucial for mental well-being.

Promoting Positivity:

  • Practice Gratitude: Encourage your child to think of things they are grateful for each day. This habit fosters a positive outlook.
  • Reframe Challenges: Help them see challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than obstacles.

14. “Be Kind” – Encouraging Compassion

Two children playfully interact with colorful blocks and toys on a table in a playroom.

Treat others with kindness and respect. Kindness is a universal language that can change the course of someone’s day or even life. Teaching children to be kind helps them develop empathy and improves their relationships with others.

Teaching Kindness:

  • Lead by Example: Show kindness in your actions. Children learn a lot by observing.
  • Recognize Kind Acts: When your child is kind, acknowledge it. This reinforcement encourages them to continue being kind.

15. “Stay Curious” – Promoting Exploration

Keep asking questions. Curiosity drives learning and innovation. Encouraging children to stay curious helps them to continuously learn and grow, keeping their minds active and engaged.

Encouraging Curiosity:

  • Explore Together: Engage in activities that spark curiosity, like science experiments or nature walks.
  • Encourage Questions: When your child asks questions, take the time to explore the answers together. This shows that their curiosity is valued.

The Lasting Impact of Encouraging Words

The power of words for children’s development, we reflect on the lasting impact these phrases can have. Encouraging words are more than just a momentary boost; they are seeds planted in the fertile soil of young minds, growing over time into traits and attitudes that define a person’s character and approach to life.

16. “You Matter” – Affirming Self-Worth

Your presence and thoughts are important. This simple affirmation goes a long way in making children feel valued and heard. Understanding that they matter in the world helps build their self-esteem and sense of belonging.

Reinforcing Self-Worth:

  • Listen Actively: Show genuine interest in their thoughts and feelings. This validates their importance in your life.
  • Involve Them in Decisions: Including children in family decisions, appropriate to their age, reinforces their sense of importance and belonging.

17. “You’re Capable” – Encouraging Independence

Teenage boy with backpack standing in a classroom with maps and books in the background.

You have the ability to achieve great things. Encouraging children to see themselves as capable individuals boosts their confidence to take on challenges independently. This belief in their capabilities is crucial for their personal and professional success in life.

Fostering Independence:

  • Encourage Problem-Solving: Allow children to solve problems on their own, offering guidance only when necessary.
  • Celebrate Independent Achievements: Acknowledge when they accomplish tasks on their own, reinforcing their capability.

18. “You’re Loved” – Providing Emotional Security

You are loved unconditionally. This is perhaps the most powerful affirmation for a child. Knowing they are loved, regardless of their successes or failures, provides a strong foundation of emotional security and self-worth.

Expressing Unconditional Love:

  • Show Affection: Regular hugs, kind words, and quality time spent together are tangible expressions of love.
  • Be Supportive: Offer support during both good and challenging times, showing that your love is not conditional on their achievements.

19. “You’re Unique” – Celebrating Individuality

Embrace what makes you different. In a world that often pressures conformity, teaching children to celebrate their uniqueness fosters a strong sense of self. Understanding and embracing their individuality helps them to resist peer pressure and develop their own path in life.

Encouraging Individuality:

  • Praise Unique Traits: Acknowledge and praise the things that make your child different.
  • Encourage Diverse Interests: Support their interests, even if they’re different from your own or what’s considered ‘normal’.

20. “You’re a Team Player” – Promoting Collaboration

Working together brings success. In both personal and professional life, being able to work well with others is a key skill. Teaching children the value of teamwork and collaboration prepares them for future relationships and career opportunities.

Teaching Teamwork:

Participate in Group Activities: Encourage participation in team sports or group projects.

Discuss the Value of Teamwork: Talk about how working together can achieve greater results than working alone.


The words we choose to use with our children can have a profound and lasting impact on their development. These words are not just phrases but powerful tools for nurturing positivity, resilience, and empathy in children.

By consistently using positive, encouraging language, we can help them build self-esteem, resilience, empathy, and a host of other qualities that will serve them well throughout their lives. Remember, the goal is not just to raise successful children but to raise well-rounded, emotionally healthy individuals who are prepared to face the world with confidence and kindness.

Incorporating these phrases into your daily interactions with children can profoundly impact their development. By fostering traits like self-efficacy, courage, optimism, kindness, and curiosity, we equip our children with the tools they need to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.


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